What your title company needs to succeed in 2023

The rollercoaster ride the housing market has been on for the last three years has ended. Instead of twists and turns, we believe the market will surprise us this year… simply by being boring.

In a boring market, it’s more important than ever to stand out from the crowd. We want to show you how to do just that. Follow along for our tips on how to craft your marketing strategy to set yourself up for success in 2023.

You’re an expert. Show it.

There’s a time and place to be humble, just not when you’re marketing yourself and your business. Your potential clients are looking for experts to guide them through what could be the most significant financial decision of their lives. Here’s how to show them you’re in the know:

Be a title expert

Homebuyers want information that can make their decisions more manageable, especially information on title insurance, which they may have never heard of before starting the home buying process.

Teach them how title insurance protects their property rights, how it protects them for the entire time they’re in their dream home, how affordable it is and how it’s different from most types of insurance they’re used to. While this may seem too simple of a first step for a title expert, keep in mind that your clients may be starting from ground zero.

Be a local market expert

Once potential clients know the basics of title insurance, they’ll be ready to dive into the specifics. They’ll soon discover how different the industry can be across states and localities. Show them you understand the local nuances of the industry inside and out.

We all know nothing is based on an exact rule book. Different states have customs and standards, like those described by Fidelity, that are not expressed in the law. Remember that your clients may not know the difference! Protect them from this confusion by showing them the way around title in your town.

Content, content, content.

Now that you know what kind of information clients seek, how will they find it? Online content is the best avenue for clients to discover you in this modern era. In 2022, 96% of all buyers used online tools during their home search. Here are the best types of content you can use to make your presence visible online:


A blog on your website is one of the best ways to create digestible, informational content that your clients can easily find online. But you’ll need consistent content to be effective. 44% of buyers say they typically consume three to five pieces of content before engaging with a vendor, so you’ll need to post consistently to bring clients in and build their trust.


Even more powerful than blogs: video content. While this may take more effort than a short blog, it’s worth it. Video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search traffic to your website than plain text. You can also repurpose video content on your social media channels for added reach.


A webinar is one of the most intensive pieces of content you can produce, but it also goes the farthest in proving your expertise. Webinars are best for delving into a complicated or specific aspect of the title process or going over the entire process in a more detailed manner.

Online reviews

Your content marketing strategy is critical, but there’s more to gaining inbound clients. While clients are looking for new trusted sources of information, they will also trust previous clients’ opinions, even people they don’t know. 88% of consumers consult reviews online when discovering a local business, and 49% say they trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. Here are two easy steps to take to build the social proof your business needs online:

Set up a Google Business Profile

Google hosts a whopping 73% of online business reviews on their Google Business Profiles. While you should spend some time ensuring your online presence and reviews are positive on Yelp and Facebook, Google is the most important. If you don’t have a profile yet, the Google Business Profile page does an excellent job walking you through the process.

Respond to negative reviews

Inevitably, you will get a negative review on one of your business channels. No one is perfect, and some people are hard to please. Whatever the source of their frustration, the key to addressing the review is to respond to them! 53% of consumers expect responses to their negative reviews, and 45% are more likely to support businesses if they see that they’ve responded to negative reviews. It may be challenging, especially if you think they’re unfair, but your response can be your opportunity to show your side of the story and find a way to reach an agreement.

Keep learning to keep growing.

The SoftPro team always has our ear to the ground for the newest marketing strategies in the title, closing and escrow industries, so check out our blog for the latest trends. Even in the most challenging markets, we serve some of the country’s savviest and most flexible businesses. That’s why we model our products based on our clients.

Whether you’re with a large company or small business, we design our customizable software solutions with you in mind. If you’d like more insights and industry news, visit our website or give us a call.