The 2024 Tech100 Mortgage and Real Estate winners are now live

For the past 12 years, HousingWire’s Tech100 program has recognized the industry’s most innovative and impactful technology companies that are continuing to bring long-awaited solutions to the challenges that mortgage and real estate professionals have struggled with for decades. The award uncovers the innovators that are unleashing insight with analytics, powering growth and efficiency with AI and automation, providing leaders and production teams the tools they need to accelerate.

The Tech100 award provides housing professionals with a comprehensive list of organizations that can be leveraged to identify partners and solutions to the challenges that mortgage lenders and real estate professionals face every day.

“One of the most exciting parts of my role at HousingWire is having a front row seat to witness stunning innovation in mortgage and real estate,” said Clayton Collins, CEO of HW Media. “HousingWire is dedicated to serving housing professionals with the full picture, and the full picture isn’t complete without deep and insightful coverage and resources to help mortgage and real estate professionals uncover the innovators and solutions that drive growth and efficiency in the housing sector.”

The full list of 2024 Tech100 Mortgage and Real Estate honorees are now live. Congratulations to all of the 2024 winners.