ALTA Registry data integrates with the Qualia platform

Data from the American Land Title Association’s (ALTA) Title & Settlement Agent Registry (ALTA Registry) will be integrated with the platform of closing software provider Qualia, according to an announcement on Wednesday.

The data will be provided to Qualia under a licensing agreement with the ALTA Registry, which is a national database of title and settlement agents.

The ALTA Registry was launched in 2017 and includes the contact information, branch locations and ALTA identification numbers of participants. It also notes each location’s “readiness” for remote online notarization. The registry is free and ALTA membership is not required to be part of it.

“We’re pleased to collaborate with Qualia with the most accurate title and settlement services company data available in the industry,” Diane Tomb, the CEO of ALTA, said in a statement. “It’s crucial that the title insurance industry urge progress and innovation in the digital closing space. With 10,000 locations listed in the ALTA Registry and 2,800 of them showing a state of ‘RON readiness,’ now is the time for all title insurance companies and real estate attorneys to register.”

According to ALTA, numerous branch locations and similar agent names can make it challenging to ensure title orders are sent to the correct location and person. The trade group says that being able to look up agents by their unique ALTA ID number will enable more accurate routing of requests while creating an additional layer of security.